Today was the longest day ever and went like this: woke up at 5:15 (didn't go to bed last night until about 12:30), showered, out the door by 6:15, walked to work, bus for ALA conference in Anaheim left at 7:00, got there at about 9:15, stayed until 4:00, bus arrived back in Goleta at 7:00, back home by 7:30. And the shoes I was wearing made massive blisters on both my ankles, so I was in pain from about 1:00 on. I did, however, see George R. R. Martin, get some free stuff, and do a few important work-related things.
Luckily, I'd stuck my point-and-shoot camera in my purse, so when I came across a dozen or so seagulls squabbling over some McDonalds trash on my way home, I was able to get some shots. True, they aren't the best, but, given the state I was in, I was ecstatic to have my photo taken care of by the time I got home. The first shot is of one bird trying to scare away another off-camera. And I'd like to believe the second one is of a seagull having a conversation with itself.
Nice impromptu shots!