Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 35 - Dead People and Tango!

Today we looked around the San Telmo antiques street fair before heading over to Recoleta Cemetery. This is a really well-known cemetery with lots of famous dead people (including Evita) and is made up entirely of above-ground mausoleums. It was fun wandering around looking at all the ornate vaults, although a few of them included partially open coffins from which you could actually smell the rotten-cheese stink of decomposing bodies. No me gusta. The first picture (at Nick's request) is a shot of one of the cemetery's feral cats licking water from a pipe after we accidentally startled it from a nap. We did some more shopping at an artisan street fair right outside the cemetery and then embarked on an epic quest to find an ATM machine that would work with our cards. That night we went to a fun tango performance (pictures were hard to get because of how fast the dancers were moving).

1 comment:

  1. I love both of these pictures! They are both really good compositions. How did you not bring that cat home?
